Battle Creek Brawl Movie Review

Okay, this time for reals this is the first Jackie Chan movie made in America. For true! He even speaks english! And I feel very confused... but not as confused as America, as this crazy science fiction movie guy showed up and backflipped his way through (blog post) the action scenes. It seems like he was the only one who knew he'd be doing that.

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Predators Movie Review

In 2010, after Fox's AVP movies were widely reguarded as rubbish, another movie in the Predator franchise was released for the first time in 20 years. Decker Shado takes a look at this film, produced by Robert Rodriguez to find out if it's a true return to form, or maybe (blog post) not even a worthy trophy.Source: Predators Movie Review - (blog

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Tucker & Dale vs Evil Movie Review

Deep in the forests of West Virginia, Canada, live the reclusive hillbillies Tucker & Dale. However, terror rises up when college horror movies ...Source: Tucker & Dale vs Evil Movie Review - (blog post) Decker Shado More Videos

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